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Cipher Frontier 3: The First Fire Emblem Cipher Livestream!

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皆さん、こんにちは。今日は、ニコニコ生放送にて8月14日に放送された「ファイアーエムブレム0(サイファ)スペシャル生放送」のことをお伝えしますわ。Hello, everyone!
Today, I’d like to tell you about the “Fire Emblem Cipher Special Livestream” that aired on Nico Nico Live on 8/14.
Actually, we were watching it too from the corner of the studio!
We got to see Miss Lynn and Producer Kawade up close and personal!
放送ではサイファのいろいろな新情報が公開されたわね。A variety of new information on Cipher was announced.
はい! 新しい情報を聞くたびにドキドキしてました!Yes! My heart was pounding, listening to all the news!
So, let’s go in order.
First, let’s summarize the information that was revealed:




Around the release of Series 2, more Experience Cipher events will be held—around 100 of them, like with the first Series.

Official Tournaments will be held in Tokyo and Osaka next year!

At the monthly Shop Tournaments, not only will we be distributing Promotional Cards, but also special Marker Cards!
The Official Tournaments will decide the strongest Cipher players in Eastern and Western Japan.

Fufu… that tournament is going to be one exciting event, with all these experienced Cipher warriors gathering!
A trainee like myself can’t compete…… sigh…
It’s alright.
A lot of events are being planned with newbies in mind, too.
And on top of that, the greener you are, the more you can learn by watching other people play, right?
Please don’t hesitate to find your own way to participate.
ほっ… それなら安心です…!Phew… That makes me feel a little better…!
でも、「公式大会までに腕を磨いておきたい!」っていう方は全国の家電量販店さんや、カードショップさんで継続的に行われている「公認ショップ大会」に行くのがオススメよ。However, if you’re thinking to yourself “I want to hone my skills before the Official Tournament!”, I highly recommend the Shop Tournaments held at card shops and electronics retailers.
そうそう! カッコいいイラストのマーカーカードももらえるんですよね?Right, right! They said you can get a marker card with a cool illustration, didn't they?
ええ。9月度の公認ショップ大会では、プロモーションパックに加えて「スペシャルマーカーカード」がプレゼントされるの。デッキに組み込むことはできないけれど、主人公マーカーカードの代わりとして使用できるおしゃれなアイテムよ。Correct. In September, Shop Tournaments will be distributing a special marker card with the usual promotional card pack. This isn’t a card that you can use in your deck–it’s a fancy card that you use to mark your Lord.
スペシャルマーカーカードは全4種類! ぜんぶ集めたいです!There are 4 Special Marker Cards total! I've gotta collect them all!
それから、第3弾について以下の情報が発表されたわ。The following information was also announced regarding Series 3:


・『ファイアーエムブレム 蒼炎の軌跡』
『ファイアーエムブレムif インビジブルキングダム』

It will release in December

It will feature Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Fates: Revelation

『蒼炎の軌跡』といえば、最近スマッシュブラザーズに出演したり、amiiboでも大人気なアイクさんが出ている作品ですよね。Speaking of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, they showed off a card with Ike, right? The Smash Bros character who's so popular that even his amiibo sells out?
ええ、イラストもいろいろ先行公開されたわ。Yes, they showed off several of the illustrations in advance.
このアクアさんたち、すっごくキレイです!第3弾で箔押しのサインカードになるんですよね?These Azura cards are so pretty!
They said these ones are going to be signed cards for Series 3, right?
That’s right, they’ll be signed with a quote by the character’s Voice Actor…
Since for this stream, Azura’s VA–Miss Lynn–was in-house, they used the Poll function to have viewers select a quote for the card.
The chosen quote was written and signed by Miss Lynn on the spot!
It really felt like the sort of thing you can only achieve through a live event!
『ファイアーエムブレム 紋章の謎』、『ファイアーエムブレム 覚醒』、そして、最後の一本は…
And finally, information on Series 4!
It seems there will be three titles featured in Series 4.
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and…
ゴクリ…最後の一本は?Gulp… and…?
…残念ながら、まだヒ・ミ・ツ?…regretfully, it seems it’s still a s-e-c-r-e-t~.
ケチー! 川出Pはケチですー!Meeean! Producer Kawade is so meeeeeeeean!
その代わりといってはなんだけど、第4弾もイラストが公開されたわ。『紋章の謎』から「ミネルバ」と、『覚醒』から「シンシア」ね。「シンシア」は、まだ制作途中だそうよ。That being said, some of the illustrations for Series 4 were shown, namely, Minerva from Mystery of the Emblem and Cynthia from Awakening. Cynthia’s is still a work in progress.
このイラストのミネルバさんは、ドラゴンに乗ってないんですか?Isn’t Minerva’s wyvern missing from this one?
スーパーファミコン版『紋章の謎』では、ドラゴンナイトやソシアルナイトは乗り物から降りて「ナイト」になることができるから、それを再現しているの。In the original SNES release of Mystery of the Emblem, Wyvern Riders and Cavaliers could dismount, so this card is a recreation of that.
さすが、シェイドさん!昔のファイアーエムブレムの事もよく知ってますね!Only you would know something like that!
You know so much about the older Fire Emblem games, after all!
…! べ…べつに、古い資料で読んで知ってただけよ。…! I… I’ve just read a lot about them, that’s all.
Besides all this, there was a lot of information on Series 2 presented, various cards were introduced on-screen, and more.
They even talked a little about us. For some reason, I just want to watch the whole thing again!
T-That’s an excellent idea!
You can watch a recording of the stream here.
※You need a Nico Nico account to do so.
それからビッグニュース!なんと! 第2弾の発売直前にも生放送をするみたいです!とっても楽しみですー!!And finally, the last bit of big news! It seems like there’s gonna be another Livestream right before the Series 2 release! I’m reeeeally excited for it!!
また詳細が決まり次第、公式HPや公式Twitterでお知らせします。それまでに、ちゃんとサイファの予習と復習をすませておくのよ。Once more details are decided, they will be announced on the official Home Page and Twitter. I'll be preparing diligently until then.
はーい!昔のゲーム機で出てたファイアーエムブレムのこと、またいっぱい教えてくださいね!Alriiiight! Please teach me more about the older Fire Emblem games sometime!
…だ、だから詳しくないって言ってるでしょう?スーパーファミコンなんて持ってないし、古いファミコンのボタンが四角だったことも知らな……D-Didn’t I tell you I’m not that familiar with them?? I definitely don’t own a SNES, and I don’t know anything about those square buttons the really old NES ha–
それじゃあ今日は失礼しますー!さようならー!And with that, we’re off for today! Gooooodbye, everyone!

Thank you everyone for watching during this busy Obon season!
Please look forward to the next live Nico Nico broadcast!

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